Transplant Topics

Stay tuned for the announcement of our next Transplant Topics

Recordings of Previous Transplant Topics Presentations

IG Post (38)

Learn to De-stress for Your Heart Health

Do you know that stress isn’t an enemy? It protects us by signaling to keep alert, motivated, and react quickly to challenges. Stress becomes problematic when the switch is always “on”, and we don’t even know it. Constant, chronic stress is bad for our heart health and causes unhealthy inflammation. Our speakers will discuss the physiology of stress’ effect on our heart and ways to become in tune with recognized and unrecognized stress and lessen it.

About our presenters: Jennifer Neil is Cardiology and Functional Medicine Nurse Practitioner. Trisha Brown, Certified Yoga Instructor and National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach.

IG Post (9)

Writing to Your Donor Family

Let’s talk about writing to your donor’s family: Have you wondered about when is the best time to write? Are there certain things you should say and other things you should avoid sharing in your letter? Have you wondered what it’s like for others who have been in touch, and how families experience letters from recipients? Do you wonder if you’re able to meet your donor’s family? Watch the video of our Transplant Topics presentation for a discussion with Lifebanc’s Bereavement Services Team, Elissa Berman and Dena Balk, who cover all of the aspects of corresponding with donor families.